Trust and Estate Planning

For many of our clients dealing with multi-generational wealth, keeping track of various trust and business entities can be overwhelming. Furthermore, we find that most families operate at a disconnect with their legal and tax professionals – only calling the team together when there is a pressing issue – rather than communicating proactively on an ongoing basis. We understand that smallest misstep in managing withdrawals, contributions, or asset titling can have dramatic unintended consequences – and our goal is to minimize that risk for our clients as much as possible.

One of our most differentiated service offerings is for our trust and estate clients, where our goal is to provide a seamless and proactive experience for our clients and for their trusted advisors. For trusted advisors – we pride ourselves on executing on a precise service model. This often includes monthly investment review calls to help satisfy trustee fiduciary requirements, facilitating data aggregation and reporting for brokerage and non-brokerage assets, quarterly principal and interest accounting, trust bill payments, and assuming responsibility for leading the relationship between trustee, beneficiary and CPA or Attorney. We pride ourselves on serving as an outsourced back office for our trust and estate professionals – assuming responsibility for the heavy lifting in satisfying trustee fiduciary requirements. For our clients, we pride ourselves on maintaining a deep level of expertise in the trust and estate planning landscape and knowing the questions to ask to keep their current and financial legacy in lockstep with the complex planning work we work to continue to continuously implement.

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